Crisis Management Trainings, Exercises and Simulations

Crisis management training and exercises

Training for crisis management teams

The cornerstone of a functioning and effective emergency and crisis management are your employees. The better prepared your crisis or emergency team is, the faster you will act during a crisis rather than being merely reactive.

Tailored to your demands

Since every company operates under specific frameworks and is bound to corporate standards and ethics, we tailor our training courses and exercises to demands.

Training and coaching

Employees involved in crisis and emergency management need to understand their role in an emergency or crisis and how to effectively interact with other members of the crisis management organization.


Our trainings and workshops include:

  • Leadership crisis management coachings and trainings
  • Basic and advanced training on crisis management, including the tasks and functions or of a crisis management team
  • Crisis team work, situational analysis and decision making
  • Communication and case documentation
  • Tailored trainings for crisis management support teams
  • Workshops to train your crisis communication team
  • Media training for your employees (press spokespersons, management, company owners and other key personnel


Similarly, we train your local emergency teams at different locations in emergency management.

Crisis management exercises

We prepare a crisis management exercise according to your requirements and in line with your existing policies and guidelines. Learning objectives are adapted to your team and team members. After an exercises, we conduct an intensive lessons learned discussion to ensure a maximum transfer of the lessons learned.


Different types of exercises we offer:

  • Alerting and notification exercises
  • Table-top exercises
  • Crisis team exercises on a defined scenario
  • Simulation exercises for the interaction of crisis management and local emergency management across national borders
  • Simulation of a crises that impacts your company via the classic media or social media in the form of waves of outrage


Similarly, we train your local emergency management teams at different locations in handling critical incidents.

Our trainers

Our experienced crisis response consultants conduct all of our training and exercises. The trainers have governmental background and also look back on many years of experience in corporate risk, security and crisis management.

Due to our regular consulting mandates and crisis response assignments we are capable to present relevant present cases and developments.


Call us, write us a message or arrange a personal consultation appointment - we are here for you and look forward to implementing your wishes together with you.

SmartRiskSolutions GmbH
Nördliche Münchner Straße 27a
82031 Grünwald
T: +49 (89) 12503247 0
E: info (at)

© 2015-2025 SmartRiskSolution GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
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Contact details

SmartRiskSolutions GmbH
Noerdliche Muenchner Strasse 27a
82031 Gruenwald

T: +49 (89) 1250 3247 0
E: info(at) 

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