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Being prepared for crises and emergencies
Crises are exceptional situations for any company. They are characterized by time pressure, and difficult decision-making process and pressure for action, often with many layers of complexity. Organizational preparedness is a requirement for successful crisis management.
We identify critical processes within your organization and design appropriate crisis management structures. Our solutions are always tailored to the specific demands of our clients. Our practical experience of hundreds of clients allows us to design and deliver solutions that works in practice.
Audits and analyses
Systematically we audit the current risk and crisis management of organizations in accordance with international industry standards such as IOS 31000, ONR 49000 or DIN CEN/TS 17091:2018. The audit shows strengths and unveils weaknesses and provides guidance for structural adjustments to close gaps and mitigate risks.
Upon request we take a deep-dive into organizational processes and structures. We identify potential risks, their likelihood and their impact to the organization, processes or personnel. The analysis allows us to design effective mitigative measures and prepare crisis or emergency management teams to effectively counter critical incidents.
Concepts and crisis management plans
We support you in the development and implementation of a structured and procedural system for crisis management.
If you already have a crisis and emergency management system in place, we then assess whether it is appropriate for the actual risk landscape and your current business environment.
Our extensive practical experience allows us to audits existing crisis management handbook, processes or emergency response plans and assess on their effectiveness. If required, we design and develop handbooks, guidelines or plans that seamlessly integrate into existing corporate structure and standards.
We support you with the following services:
- Creating an early warning system for the timely identification of potential crises
- Alerting and notification process
- Designing effective crisis management structures and processes
- Composing crisis management handbooks, manuals for local incident or emergency management teams and emergency response plans
- Training and capacitating crisis management teams and leadership personnel