Kidnap & extortion response

Crisis Response to Kidnaps & Extortions

Crisis management support for K&R and other incidents

Kidnap for ransom (K&R) and other critical incidents require professional support by experienced crisis responders and a worldwide network of specialists in order to successfully solve such threatening situations.


We have been selected and retained by a leading international insurer as crisis response partner for its insured clients. In addition, we support insured clients of other insurers with crisis response services as well as non-insured clients directly.

Why us

We are a team of internationally experienced specialists for crisis response to kidnappings, extortions and evacuations.


  • We have worked many years in international crisis response teams of national and international insurers.
  • Many of our response consultants are former members of intelligence agencies, military special units, government negotiation teams - including the FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit - and have themselves lived in crisis areas for several years.
  • Crisis response experience on every continent, including high-risk regions such as DR Congo, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq - including complex kidnappings by terrorist organizations such as the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS
  • Crisis response to hijackings (kidnap/hijack) by Somali and West African pirates
  • Experience in crisis response to cyber extortion, product protection cases, unwarranted arrests, as well as missing persons cases, evacuations due to political unrest, employee and union conflicts, terrorist attacks, rampage incidents, and business continuity management cases.


Few providers in the world have crisis response consultants with such a broad language profile - including English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Russian, Urdu and Mandarin - many of them native speakers.

Immediate response - worldwide

Our crisis response team is led from Germany with response capability on every continent and is strategically located around the globe and in close range of upcoming incidents in different regions.


Each of our case-experienced response consultants can safely operate in different cultural environments and has a network to local supporters and reliable contacts within local authorities.


Additionally we have access to a wide network of security service providers that support our crisis consultants.

Our international network

In addition to our crisis consultants, we have a worldwide network of specialists, such as:


  • Experts for product recalls
  • Analysts (24/7) for different regions
  • IT forensic experts
  • Graduate psychologists
  • Investigators, profilers, speech forensic experts and laboratories
  • Bodyguards for special threat situations
  • Specialists for building security
  • International agencies for crisis communication and international law firms
  • Specialists for psychological support of victims and relatives


Through our partnership with a renowned medical assistance provider, we can also support you in difficult medical situations in remote regions.

Our crisis management approach to kidnaps and extortions

We offer you the following assistance in critical incidents, among other things:


  • Initial telephone consultation and first recommendations
  • Collecting case related information with our local contacts
  • Media monitoring as well as targeted searches on the darknet
  • Development and implementation of options for action
  • Providing local contacts, e.g. to authorities
  • Dispatching advisors to the crisis team at your company headquarters and to the incident site
  • Operational measures on the ground to prevent further damage
  • Advice and support in negotiations with kidnappers and extortionists
  • Advice on appropriate crisis communications and reputation management
  • Coordination of cooperation with the authorities involved at home and abroad
  • Support in the handover of ransoms and the repatriation of released hostages
  • Care and psychological support of affected persons and family member


Ideally, we have already set up your crisis and emergency management team in advance, implemented preventive measures at your company, and are already familiar with your internal processes.

Support in other crisis situations

We regularly provide crisis and emergency management support to clients in numerous other types of incidents as well. These are, for example:


  • Major fire in a production plant with challenges in restoring business continuity (BCM)
  • Various cyber cases
  • Missing person at home and abroad
  • Arrest abroad
  • Evacuations due to the political situation, fighting or as a result of natural disasters or pandemics
  • Threats and violence in the workplace
  • Product extortion
  • Terrorist attacks
  • Major accidents, such as a bus crash involving a group of tourists

Dates, events and presentations


Call us, write us a message or arrange a personal consultation appointment - we are here for you and look forward to implementing your wishes together with you.

SmartRiskSolutions GmbH
Nördliche Münchner Straße 27a
82031 Grünwald
T: +49 (89) 12503247 0
E: info (at)

© 2015-2025 SmartRiskSolution GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
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Contact details

SmartRiskSolutions GmbH
Noerdliche Muenchner Strasse 27a
82031 Gruenwald

T: +49 (89) 1250 3247 0
E: info(at) 

Contact form

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